What is holding you back? If there is one, or many thing(s) that you have always wanted to do, what would it be? Why haven’t you done it? Is fear getting in the way? Fear can stop us from flying in an airplane, giving up junk food or from asking someone out on a date. How is fear winning over your desires and happiness?

How can you travel to faraway places like Alaska, New York City or Paris France if you don’t get on that plane? How can you feel good and live a healthy life if you don’t stop eating processed food? How can you meet the woman or man of your dreams if you are afraid of rejection?

We hold on to fear as an internal tug of war with our emotions which become an excuse. You have as many positive and good reasons to get past the fear as you do to not take a chance. It is your perception of what “bad” might happen that is controlling your decisions to not do something. When in fact it is you that is in control of your destination. If you ask yourself “what is the worst that could happen”, you can rationalize the reality of what “good” could happen.

Easy for me to say right? Wrong. After holding myself back for years because of fear of not being good enough, I have spent this year loving and trusting myself enough to turn my health journey into a Health Coach career that has become my passion. To write a book about health and food allergies; and to go for a day job that I normally would have passed up because of fear of failure.

Allow me coach you past your fear of getting healthy. First step: Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking for exercise and eating healthier food. Make a promise to yourself to cook at home for 21 days. To let go of the fears from childhood memories, stress from relationships or job, etc.. Breathe slowly and calmly. Ask yourself – what is the worst that could happen?

This technique can be applied to dating, traveling, addictions, health, career, and so many opportunities in life that are passing you by. Time goes by quickly. Chances are the result will not kill you. In fact it might save your life.

The best quote I can share is:

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears ~ Nelson Mandela

Do something that will fill your life with gratitude.


You can find me at:


4 thoughts on “FEAR

  1. This is just beautiful my friend.

    Lauren Manasse, LICSW 17 Henshaw Street, Brighton, MA 02135 http://www.laurenmanasse.com (617) 363 9988 Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak Your Truth. Let Go of Outcome.NOTE: This email is intended for the use of the person to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential, the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law. Dissemination, distribution or copying of this information in an unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited. Sender accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. If you receive this in error, please notify sender.

    Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:19:20 +0000 To: manasselatham@hotmail.com

  2. Reblogged this on Individual Empowerment and commented:
    Here is a post everyone should read!
    Fear, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Release your fears so they can dissenegrate into the past. I find visualizing and then immediately taking an action step really helps me move past my fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs.

    Have you tried the vizualiation process this blogger mentions?

    • Thank you for the re-post Impower You. It was perfect timing actually. I’ve been a bit stuck myself and am redirecting my own vision toward my career and financial goals. I love how visualizing can get the results you want.

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